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Board Meeting

Call to Order: 6:01 p.m.
Present: S. Angleton, D. Riley, C. Goolsby, S. Wiesemann, G. Johnson, J. Alvey, D. Lampert, K. Eddleman
Absent: J. Williams, J. Lane
Motion to approve September minutes:  K. Eddleman/D. Riley - all agreed.
Motion to approve the September financials: 11519, 11523 – 11524, 11526 – 11529; 990010-990011; and 7 e-pays. K. Eddleman/S. Angleton - all agreed.
See Librarian's Report. 
Discussed GoDaddy vs. Streamline for our website.  The cost to migrate our current information to a new platform is significantly more for GoDaddy than Streamline.  Everyone agreed Streamline seems to be the best option.
Discussed looking for a less expensive worker’s compensation policy.  Sharon will see what she can find out.
Unfinished Business: None
New Business:  Holiday Open House.  We will discuss the Open House at the next meeting.
Motion to adjourn at 6:40 p.m.:  C. Goolsby/D. Lampert - All agreed.